Pack for a Purpose
We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers to make a lasting impact in the communities they visit. Please consider saving a small amount of space and just a few kilos of your allotted airline baggage weight to bring supplies for the projects we support. You’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families. Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects.
P2P is committed to helping improve lives of Cuban communities. We currently are focused on assisting with the following efforts listed below.
Mitrani Senior Day Care Center
The Mitrani Senior Day Care Center program was created for adults who need supervision and assistance during the day. The center regularly provides breakfast, lunch, medical and psychological care, physical therapy, and a full schedule of structured activities that enhance the quality of life of the elder members of the community.
Here our seniors can see friends, make crafts, seek medical attention, and, most importantly, have a hot meal. In many cases the center will deliver the meals and medical supplies directly to their homes, as a large number have little or no family to care for them.
The center regularly serves around 100 people, but with the growing elderly population, the need for food and supplies also grows.

The Patronato Pharmacy
Staffed by a husband/wife medical team, the pharmacy provides and distributes – at no cost – medicine and sundries to those in most need from the community. Local clinics often run out of medical supplies or don’t have any syringes and means to to administer them.
With an average monthly of just over $30 an month, there is not much left to purchase the extra medical needs of the children, adults and elderly. Basic medical supplies can make a big difference here.
Since the decline of US tourism, the inventory has dwindled but through the generosity of our guests, we have hope that there will soon be a steady stream of supplies for the growing needs of the community.